Campaign of the Month

Remington keeps subscribers engaged on Bank Holiday weekend with email and social conversation

Learn how they achieved an open-rate above industry-average.

What happens when you combine the power of social media, email marketing and relevant content?

Company name: Remington

Campaign details

Subject line: #GetTheLookWithRemington
Open: 14%
Click: 10% of opened


What data was used?

General subscribers to Remington emails.

Who was the campaign targeted at?

Fashion-conscious subscribers who are also active on social networks.


  • Encourage email subscribers to participate in a social competition designed to reinforce the brand value proposition. To make the competition relevant to subscribers, it positioned Remington products as tools for looking glamourous during Bank Holiday weekend.

What makes this a performing campaign?

The main message of the campaign is centered around the social conversation and competition based on the #GetTheLookWithRemington hashtag. Using the hashtag as the subject line was tested against a competition-focused subject line of ‘WIN 1 of 3 Amazing Prizes!’ and it proved more popular when tested on open-rates.

The email and social competition content was centred around looks and fashion for the upcoming Bank Holiday weekend, presenting different hairstyles for women and clothing styles for men. Many people make special plans for Bank Holiday weekend and it’s a time when particularly fashion conscious people are worried about their appearance. By inserting Remington products into the conversation, the theme of the email is both on-brand and relevant to the subscribers.

Remington went further by thinking about the experience of the competition as a whole, in terms of making it a seamless journey for the customers. Assuming most consumers would take photos for the competitions with their mobile phone and then use it to tweet their entry,  they made the sure the email was optimised for mobile viewing.

The results

The result of the split test showed that subscribers preferred the social conversation aspect in the subject line, rather than the one purely focused on the competition. And with an open-rate above industry-average, it is obvious that this email campaign attracted the attention of its audience.

Adestra’s Heatmap Report showed that the two competition links were the most popular, even though the one targeting men was placed at the bottom on the email. This happened even though the competition-based subject line didn’t perform as well, demonstrating the power of joining email with your social conversations. And a great way to start the conversation is by drawing attention to it in your customers’ inboxes.

The Email Client report also showed that the decision to be optimise the email for mobile viewing was the right one, as 45% of the opens came from the mobile platform.