Campaign of the Month

NSPCC demonstrate how the charity sector could benefit from abandoned basket technology

Learn how NSPCC successfully uses Adestra’s Conversion Capture. 

To make their potential donors’ experience as smooth as possible, and not leave money on the table, NSPCC successfully uses Adestra’s Conversion Capture. 

Brand: NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)
Developed by: Simon Burrows 

Campaign details

Subject line: Please do try again
Open: 48%


Who is the campaign targeted at?

The campaign is targeting website users who abandon their donation.


  • recover lost donations from users who abandon the website
  • create a smooth donor experience

What makes this a performing campaign?

Abandoned basket/cart technology is typically thought of as a tool for retail brands, but NSPCC demonstrate that it can be very helpful to charities as well. Charities rely on donations to support their cause, so every single donor can make a difference. NSPCC wanted to be able to follow-up with people who do not complete the process to remind them of the importance of their donation, and offer an alternative channel via telephone.

The key message of the email campaign is to convince abandoners to complete the donation process. It does that using simple design, focusing on visual impact to instill an emotional reaction. The header image uses first name personalization and a picture of two happy children, while other elements that visually stand out are the ‘Donate’ button, and the tagline ‘Every childhood is worth fighting for’.

The copy of the email is short and to the point, using powerful emotional phrases like ‘support is vital’, ‘every penny can make a difference’ and ‘end cruelty to children’. This helps support the visual message of the email.

The results

The targeted strategy achieved fantastic results. The subject line and key timing of email, following after a donation abandonment, make this email campaign highly success for capturing the attention of subscribers. It achieved a fantastic 48% open-rate, which is over four times higher than other emails they send, and considerably higher than their industry average.

In addition, this automatic email is also a powerful way for NSPCC to check that users aren’t having technical difficulties with the website, offering a phone number available for assistance. This allows them to ensure that the donor experience is smooth, and they can complete their donation safely and securely.